Stansfield Research Group

Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah

Alyssa is starting a new position as a tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Utah in August 2024. She will be recruiting grad students to start in Fall 2025. If you are interested in the group's research (see below), please email with your resume or CV and information about your research interests.

About Me

Alyssa M. Stansfield, PhD

Alyssa is currently an NSF AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Colorado State University working with Dr. Kristen Rasmussen. She graduated with her PhD in Atmospheric Science from Stony Brook University in May 2022 and with a BS in Meteorology from Rutgers University in May 2017. Her main postdoctoral project focuses on understanding how the 3D precipitation structures in tropical cyclones may change due to climate change.

CVEmail Me


Extreme Weather and Climate

Extreme weather events are impacted by both anthropogenic climate change and natural climate variability. In turn, the occurrence of extreme weather helps determine Earth's climate through upscale effects on the global energy and hydrologic cycles. Motivated by both the positive and negative impacts of extreme weather on society and ecosystems, my research group studies the statistics of extreme weather, explores how these events fit into the global climate system, and projects how extreme weather will change in the future. My recent work on this topic has focused on how tropical cyclones and their precipitation are influenced by climate change, but I'm interested in all types of extreme weather.

Precipitation Processes

My research group approaches studying precipitation through the different storm sytems that produce it, such as tropical cyclones, mesoscale convective systems, atmospheric rivers, and extratropical storms. Through the integration of atmospheric models, reanalysis, and observations,we will build a process-based understanding of storms and their precipitation. This increased understanding can help answer questions like why do some storms produce extreme precipitation while others don't and how are storms and their resulting precipitation impacted by natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change.

Modeling Across Scales

Research at the climate-weather interface requires models that can connect the large-scale climate system with mesoscale systems. My research group uses earth system models ranging from global climate models run with ~100 km grid spacing to simulations of individual weather events with grid spacing of ~1 km. These models across scales, in combination with idealized modeling, faciliate a more complete understanding of the relationship between climate and weather. In addition to atmospheric models, I'm interested in exploring hydrologic modeling as well with the goals of studying flooding from extreme precipitation events and improving the coupling between atmospheric and hydrologic models.

Recent Publications


ATMOS 6030: Climate Dynamics, Spring 2025, University of Utah

ENS 101: Prospects for Planet Earth, Spring 2022, Stony Brook University